Feedback Forms

Here, we’ve got all of the feedback forms that PRIDE provides. We check them regularly and strongly encourage you to fill them out as often as you want. PRIDE values listening to the opinions and criticisms of the community and making sure that we are able to properly address them. Additionally, there’s certainly fun ideas that you all may have that we simply don’t think of! Please find the forms listed below, hyperlinked in the name of the form:


General Feedback Form:    This form is for submitting any general feedback or critiques that you have of PRIDE. This can pertain to critiques or suggestions for how we change the way we run our, interact with the Rice community, or even the PRIDE community! Feel free to also leave positive feedback for the things that we’re doing— we want to know what works and what doesn’t!

Newsletter Suggestion Form: This form is for submitting any suggestions that you have for PRIDE’s newsletter! We’d love to hear any topics that you think we should cover, activity suggestions, fun categories to have, etc. that you may think of! PRIDE’s newsletter is a very new innovation, and we would love your help in making it better!

Shoutout Form:    Is there someone in the PRIDE community that you’re proud of? Is there someone who made you smile when you really needed it? Is there someone who’s making outstanding strides (even outside of the PRIDE community) that you want to uplift? Use this form to give them a shoutout. We’ll include them in the slides for our Grand Body Meetings.

Event Suggestion Form: Is there an event you’d like to see at PRIDE? This is the perfect link for you!